Life Goes On...

The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be

Although I haven't completely grasped this whole happiness thing I do believe I'm on my way, which doesn't mean there is a special someone in my life or anything like that. It just simply means I'm growing more and more content with things around me and constantly improving things I deem unsatisfactory. There have been a few things that I have discovered in the past few months that have been very liberating.

  1. Although not one of my past relationships have been "successful" I got what I wanted in the long run. It's taken years for this to dawn on me but the one thing I wanted for every girl I was involved with was her happiness, and her happiness is what made me happy. So even if we aren't together, she's happy there isn't a better ending to the story.
  2. I've come to terms with being nothing more than a fling to certain girls, that used to eat me up on the inside knowing a girl was only interested in me for a short time. Moments pass with the fleeting brilliance of comet in the night sky, and it's not a crime to reminisce of these times but trying to recreate them is nothing more than an insult to the past.
  3. Believe it or not bearing malice, hatred, or ill towards towards any human being can and will drain your life of its' much needed vitality, especially if you are like me and can get to a point where you rage can become all consuming. I for one am not willing to pay the price for that anger nor can I afford to, I got shit to do.


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