The "N" word
*The sentiments in the following post do not necessarily reflect the views of the other writers on gravity children. These sentiments are mine and mine alone*
Now that we got that shit out of the way; I'm probably going to piss off alot of people with this.
And to be honest.....I really don't give a fuck.
Dear White People:
Hello. How are you? This post is mainly directed at you, since you're who i'm pissed off at.
This is about the N word. Nigga. Niggar. Nigger(for the record, this is the only variation of the word that spell check didn't flag. The fuck is that about). Over the past year or so, your people have been in an uproar over this word. Or, more specifically, you've been in an uproar when someone white used the word and got reamed for it(Paula Deen and Riley Cooper come immediately to mind) while black people can use it like it's the only word we know.
You've screamed "unfair". You've screamed "reverse racism". You've screamed "discrimination".
I'm screaming Shut The Fuck Up.
Now, please don't miss understand me. This post is not in defense of the use of the N word. I have black friends that avoid the word like the plague. I'm also not one of those black people that act shocked and appalled whenever white people use it. Seriously. Everytime a controversy erupts in regards to the word "nigga" Al Sharpton brings his greasy ass face on TV, and gives his worthless ass opinion.
Side note: I really don't like Al Sharpton.
This post is simply what you need to understand about the word, and why we can"get away with using it"
First of all, its not the word itself; it's the context in which the word is used. Whenever a black person says the word nigga, its almost never meant as an insult. The word may be preceded by an insult (for example: b**** a** n****, or broke a** n****)or followed by what some may perceive to be an insult (for example: N****, you gay) but the word itself generally isn't intended as an insult when said to other African Americans. Hell, I have Caucasian friends that'll come up to me and say "What's up my nigga!" and i don't bat an eye, because i know them and i know that they'd never mean to be offensive.
When White people use it, however, people perceive it to be in a negative connotation, because of the racial tension that has permeated throughout this country for the last however many years.
That is why you get slammed for it, and we don't.
Is it fair? No. But we'll get to that.
Honestly, I've never understood what the fuss what about. Its a word. Do I use it? Yes. But i am a highly educated and articulate man, with an excellent command of the English language. I don't need to use it. Most of the black people i know use it sparingly. And yet this one little word seems to the the catalyst for mayhem and pointless debate.
Now lets talk about fair, shall we? Is it fair that we can use the word, and ya'll cant? Nope.
But i have Five words for you.
Get the fuck over it.
You want to use the word? You want to know what its like to hold exclusive power and dominion over the "n" word? You want to be able to act indignantly and sue people?
Cool. Lets switch places. We'll be white and ya'll can be black. You can scream nigga until your heart is content.
But, while you're screaming it, be careful of the police officers that are following you, even though you're doing nothing wrong.
Be careful of the security guards who eyeball you when you walk into a store, and follow you around even though you have no intention of stealing anything.
Be careful of the people who glare at you on the street when they see you talking and laughing with a caucsian member of the oppoiste sex.
Be careful of the people who glower you when they see you chatting with friends, and then rush way when they see that you've noticed them.
Those are not second hand accounts of things that have happened; those are my own personal accounts.
You know how much power we get because we're able to use the word nigga?
If your answer was "not a fucking bit" then you're absolutely correct.
You want shit to be fair? Tell that to a black kid growing up in the inner city, surrounded by role models that tell him that his only way out the hood is to either slang crack rock or have a wicked jump shot. You go up to that kid living in the slums and tell him that its unfair that he can say nigga and you cant, even though you have a much better chance of having an apartment on park avenue than he could ever dream of. Try it.
I wish you luck trying to make it out the hood.
The purpose of this post is not to bitch and moan. Its not to defend a word. The purpose of this is show that the world is unfair. Stop bitching about a word you probably wouldn't use, even if it were socially acceptable for you to do so.
Or, as I suggested earlier, we can switch places. You can scream nigga, while we raise interests rates.
Now that we got that shit out of the way; I'm probably going to piss off alot of people with this.
And to be honest.....I really don't give a fuck.
Dear White People:
Hello. How are you? This post is mainly directed at you, since you're who i'm pissed off at.
This is about the N word. Nigga. Niggar. Nigger(for the record, this is the only variation of the word that spell check didn't flag. The fuck is that about). Over the past year or so, your people have been in an uproar over this word. Or, more specifically, you've been in an uproar when someone white used the word and got reamed for it(Paula Deen and Riley Cooper come immediately to mind) while black people can use it like it's the only word we know.
You've screamed "unfair". You've screamed "reverse racism". You've screamed "discrimination".
I'm screaming Shut The Fuck Up.
Now, please don't miss understand me. This post is not in defense of the use of the N word. I have black friends that avoid the word like the plague. I'm also not one of those black people that act shocked and appalled whenever white people use it. Seriously. Everytime a controversy erupts in regards to the word "nigga" Al Sharpton brings his greasy ass face on TV, and gives his worthless ass opinion.
Side note: I really don't like Al Sharpton.
This post is simply what you need to understand about the word, and why we can"get away with using it"
First of all, its not the word itself; it's the context in which the word is used. Whenever a black person says the word nigga, its almost never meant as an insult. The word may be preceded by an insult (for example: b**** a** n****, or broke a** n****)or followed by what some may perceive to be an insult (for example: N****, you gay) but the word itself generally isn't intended as an insult when said to other African Americans. Hell, I have Caucasian friends that'll come up to me and say "What's up my nigga!" and i don't bat an eye, because i know them and i know that they'd never mean to be offensive.
When White people use it, however, people perceive it to be in a negative connotation, because of the racial tension that has permeated throughout this country for the last however many years.
That is why you get slammed for it, and we don't.
Is it fair? No. But we'll get to that.
Honestly, I've never understood what the fuss what about. Its a word. Do I use it? Yes. But i am a highly educated and articulate man, with an excellent command of the English language. I don't need to use it. Most of the black people i know use it sparingly. And yet this one little word seems to the the catalyst for mayhem and pointless debate.
Now lets talk about fair, shall we? Is it fair that we can use the word, and ya'll cant? Nope.
But i have Five words for you.
Get the fuck over it.
You want to use the word? You want to know what its like to hold exclusive power and dominion over the "n" word? You want to be able to act indignantly and sue people?
Cool. Lets switch places. We'll be white and ya'll can be black. You can scream nigga until your heart is content.
But, while you're screaming it, be careful of the police officers that are following you, even though you're doing nothing wrong.
Be careful of the security guards who eyeball you when you walk into a store, and follow you around even though you have no intention of stealing anything.
Be careful of the people who glare at you on the street when they see you talking and laughing with a caucsian member of the oppoiste sex.
Be careful of the people who glower you when they see you chatting with friends, and then rush way when they see that you've noticed them.
Those are not second hand accounts of things that have happened; those are my own personal accounts.
You know how much power we get because we're able to use the word nigga?
If your answer was "not a fucking bit" then you're absolutely correct.
You want shit to be fair? Tell that to a black kid growing up in the inner city, surrounded by role models that tell him that his only way out the hood is to either slang crack rock or have a wicked jump shot. You go up to that kid living in the slums and tell him that its unfair that he can say nigga and you cant, even though you have a much better chance of having an apartment on park avenue than he could ever dream of. Try it.
I wish you luck trying to make it out the hood.
The purpose of this post is not to bitch and moan. Its not to defend a word. The purpose of this is show that the world is unfair. Stop bitching about a word you probably wouldn't use, even if it were socially acceptable for you to do so.
Or, as I suggested earlier, we can switch places. You can scream nigga, while we raise interests rates.
Ahhhh, Boiler Room. Good movie