All I wanted to Say...
I remember that after I came back from Comic Con I was absolutely adamant about having a face to face with my ex I was something I wanted, no needed to do but I also knew that once I came face to face with the most beautiful girl in the world that everything I was going to say in my head was going to simply just melt away.
I never got my face to face and I doubt she even reads this blog anymore but I going to post what I wanted to say to her and I swear it will be the last time I mention her.
- Saturday the 25th (Rage out at Caves)
If you don't know anything about the Arlington Area Caves is a semi popular dive bar off of Division.
So that faithful night I was out drinking with some friends to get my mind off of everything, but lo and behold the universe had other plans. You walked in Stephanie with you new boyfriend and the girl I thought was my friend, and didn't say ONE word to me. I understand that the initial running into me was a shock and at first why you wouldn't want to talk to me, but after HOURS of sitting ACROSS from me you still didn't say anything. I would have been satisfied with a simply Text of "Hi" or anything but I didn't get that and I was angry. It wasn't the fact that you had moved on or that you brought him with you, what made me angry is you made me feel absolutely WORTHLESS. That i was so beneath you that I wasn't worthy of a word let alone eye contact, and that is what made me angry. I am sorry I didn't get up and leave when you showed up though, I'm sure your night would have been much better if I was not there and I am sorry. - Yes I know exactly how you feel about me and towards me but what I really needed was a friend who understood what was going on with me, and I know that at first I was not being exactly friendly but the situation was knew for me and I really didn't know how to handle thing.
- The Necklace
I bought it for you as a friend not only did I wake up early walk a few miles and catch a cab but I waited for 5 hours in line to get you that damn thing. It wasn't part of some grand scheme to get you back or anything like that. I saw something special from one your favorite things that you couldn't get anywhere else and what good friend wouldn't want you to have something like that?
In closing, you were much more than some girl I was dating. You were the first and only girl ever to pick me and not the other way around. It was much more like I got the chance to date a girl I was actual friends with beforehand. When this ended I wanted the calls, late night texts, the invitations out, because I knew nothing was going hurt more than losing you completely and as everyone can see I've done that.
So that ladies and gentlemen is the end of our story. I fell too hard and too fast for a woman who warned me before about the pitfalls awaiting me.
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