I Can't Stop

There is just something wrong with our generation and the ones after ours, something that just made some of us think it's ok to give up, that it's better for something to come easy rather than you having to work for it. It is blatantly obvious in our relationships with people and especially with our significant others. There is a big difference between giving up and letting go gentlemen, it is very similar to the differences between a coward, a smart man, and a man who simply doesn't learn his lesson. 
The Coward
This is the person who simply gives up without giving it his all no matter how hard it is to do so. This person quits in favor of finding simpler less complicated things to concern himself with. Make no mistake there isn't one thing in this world worth having that doesn't require work and some sort of sacrifice, but this person believes if something is meant to be that it wouldn't be that hard to maintain. The very instant this person feels like things are getting too tough they bail physically, emotionally, or in some cases in both ways. Some people try to disguise themselves as something other than the coward by simply pushing away and not completely bailing and honestly I believe that is worse than bailing because with bailing your intent is obvious but with pushing someone away you cloud that intent and make life harder on the person who is trying their best to be there for you even though you are doing your very best to push and run away from the love they have for you.

The One Who Never Learns
Or better stated as the one who never gets the hint. This is the person that despite all reason and rational keeps walking along the path they have chosen no matter how dangerous it is or how minuscule the chances for a positive outcome are. They are more of a danger to themselves than to anyone else around them because no matter what happens no matter how much something isn't their fault they will blame themselves. The real tragedy here is that you cannot save them from their worse enemy; themselves. The only real thing you can do is sit back and hope that whatever happens it doesn't destroy or change your dear friend.

The Smart One
The one that has no intention on giving up, ever but they do understand when they are fighting a battle they cannot win. They never stop fighting, but they do know when they need to take everything they have learned from the struggle and apply them to the next hard time they encounter. They have mastered the art of "letting go" without anger and without regret, they simply move on and are completely ready to show everyone interested their battle scars and what they have learned.


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