Quittin’ Time

“When a good thing goes bad, it’s not the end of the world. It’s just the end of a world that you have with one girl.”
Fellas, you remember the time when your relationship was something straight out of Romeo and Juliet? She was the first thing you thought about when you woke up, and the last thing on your mind when you went to sleep. You talked to her all day every day, and you actually liked it. Hell, ya’ll damn near frolicked through fields together.                                                                                                                                              Well guess what nigga? Them days is done.  You don’t want to think about her, you don’t want to talk to her, and the only field you want her frolicking through is one with a sniper waiting at the end of it. In all seriousness men, you know when your relationship is done. If you honestly can’t stand the thought of talking to her, spending any time with her, or acknowledging her existence in anyway, just cut your losses and find someone new. There are 1 billion women in the world; find one that can stretch the “honeymoon phase” over a span of 40 years.


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