Simple and Clean

  •  Whenever something is gained, something is always lost. It's difficult to live without facing that fact. What is lost will never return. Important Things. Irreplaceable things. What is needed to keep those things? Man knows, he knows that nothing will begin unless he speaks. And nothing will change, unless he tries.

I will never cease to be amazing at the truly amazing and beautiful and amazing people with no confidence. Be it lack of confidence or something as simple as fear that keeps them from actively trying for what they really want. Just one of the things in life you never want to have are regrets, they put chains on the heart and poison the mind. I'm not saying live your life recklessly but never count yourself out of something never back down on the basis of fear alone.
You have strong feelings for a good friend but you are afraid to act because you don't know what will happen. Will they receive my feelings well? Do they care about me as much as I care about them? What if the relationship we end up getting in fails? All these questions and ones like them are completely irrelevant if you never say anything, you are just going to end up with that sinking "What If?" feeling. I've been that guy it fucking sucks, I'm 23 years old I can't even speak to a girl I'm attracted to without freaking the hell out on the inside hell until I was 21 I would hide from girls I was attracted to to avoid embarrassing myself. Eventually I got tired of getting in my own way and you know what my quality of life greatly improved. You've got to quit letting fear rule your life or it'll keep you from having a life at all. Let's say you and the person you like have been friends for ever and you are worried about losing the friendship throughout the course of the relationship. That person by now knows you and they apparently love you enough to stick with you for all these years so why on earth would that change?! A real friendship won't change due to dating hell it'll get stronger you ever notice these couples that have been married for 25+ years? A majority of them when asked will say that their spouse is their best friend, I mean think about it you have the chance to spend the rest of your life with your friend why would you want anything less than that? Ok now what if someone ends up cheating or you are worried about that, then obviously they aren't the one you should be with end of story! Last but not least let me cover the worse case scenario. If they don't feel they same you do big deal! Your friendship will endure without missing a beat if you two have a strong enough relationship and they both of you are willing to keep it alive and well, rather than a shell of what it used to be.

Keep in mind anything is possible with confidence, and I don't want to hear no bullshit about I'm not good looking or I'm overweight. If YOU feel like you are overweight you have to change that for YOU not anyone else fuck what everyone else sees because if you don't like what you see neither will the person whose affections you wish to garner. Do not get involved with someone  unless you are 110% with yourself or it won't end well.  People want a PARTNER not a fucking project so get yourself together. I have no reason to be confident when it comes to physical appearance none at all, I'm over weight, oddly built, do not have a handsome face, and I do not make glasses work for me. Even with all that negative there isn't anything you can say to me that will make me think I can't get any girl I want even it is for only one night after a few drinks. Ladies you are fucking gorgeous never think anything less of yourself and if someone makes you fell less than perfect kick they asses to the curb! Gentlemen so what you don't have abs, so what you have dull brown eyes, so what your short! Show that girl your mind, your charm, your personality, and I can say eventually you can walk up to girls and basically ask "Excuse me Ms., but can I get you out your panties?" back arch and all.


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